If you need an exterior house painting company in Palm Harbor, call today for a free-onsite estimate! We’re certain you won’t find lower prices: (727) 488-8058.
Have you ever considered completely changing the look of your home’s exterior? If so, West Shore Construction painting company can provide you with those professional services. We have been painting residential and commercial buildings in the Hillsborough and Pinellas County areas for over 28 years. Repainting the outside of your business or home you can add life and value to your property.
We are licensed Florida contractors and we pride ourselves on the techniques and efficiency of each individual job we agree to take on. We are a house painting company that serves all of Palm Harbor, Clearwater, Tampa, Bradenton, Largo, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota areas. We are a friendly company that genuinely cares about our customers’ wants and needs; this is something you will feel confident about from the moment you meet our staff. We want to give you the best results that you will be beyond satisfied with. We work hard to make sure our customer service approach is parallel to our expert craftsmanship.
Palm Harbor House Painting Company

West Shore Construction is based in Clearwater, FL., and has provided the Palm Harbor and Tampa Bay area homes with beautiful make-overs for over 27 years. We have expert painters that will guarantee that satisfaction of their work. For each painting project we decide to take on, the service we provide includes: a free estimate, taping or covering of surrounding areas not being painted, quality application of the paint, and clean-up from the work that we provided.
West Shore Construction house painting company is Pinellas County’s premier choice for all your home remodeling needs. If you would like to contact us for a free interior or exterior painting estimate, call (727) 488-8058.
We are an experienced Palm Harbor house painting company. We specialize in:
- Office painting
- Exterior painting
- Interior painting
- Faux painting
- Residential painting
Experienced House Painting Company
When choosing colors for the inside of your home, you must take into careful consideration the color of your flooring, furniture, and appliances. The color of the materials may reflect onto the wall, causing the walls to look a slightly different hue. Or if you’re looking to change the color of the outside of your home, you must remember to consider the color of your roof, driveway, and surrounding environment in order to obtain the look you desire.
The materials we use are of excellent quality, which is critical to achieve a durable, easy-to-maintain finish. We also offer affordable options to suit every budget. Our contractors try to finish each job in a timely manner and as efficiently as possible.
Our goal is to achieve professional and beautiful results both inside and outside of your home. If you would like to contact our house painting company in Palm Harbor, call today for a free, on-site estimate! (727) 488-8058.